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4 Activities for Seniors with Limited Mobility 

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A senior female in a brown shirt is holding dumbbells in her both hands.

For many seniors, mobility can become limited with time, making some tasks harder to complete. It may seem like you can’t enjoy your traditional experiences, but there are many things you can do with limited mobility, whether it be events, spending time with others, or assisted activities.

Continue reading to learn more about limited mobility and the different activities older adults can enjoy. 

What Is Limited Mobility? 

Mobility is the ability to move or walk freely, easily, and independently. Age, injury, falls, or illnesses can limit this ability with time. Many seniors develop limited mobility as they age, having difficulty moving or completing other tasks. 

Balance and physical strength can lessen with time, making mobility more of a challenge. Many seniors may feel like they can’t complete daily tasks or do the things they love because of mobility issues. However, this isn’t the case—if you’re an older adult with limited mobility, there are still several activities you can enjoy. 

4 Activities for Seniors With Limited Mobility

Limited mobility doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy everyday life. There are many activities you can experience using your body and mind. 

If you’re looking for activities requiring limited mobility, you can try seated exercises, creative activities, reading, or spending time outside. 

Seated Exercise

Exercise is essential for older adults as they age, providing several benefits. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans state that exercise can lower the risk of health conditions, improve bone health, lower the risk of dementia, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of mental health issues. 

Many seated or chair-supported exercises exist, including: 

  • Knee extensions: Sit in a chair with your back straight & arms at your side. Extend your knee while squeezing your thigh muscles, holding for 3 seconds. Repeat this exercise on both legs for 15 repetitions each. 
  • Pillow squeezes: Sit in a chair with your back straight & arms at your side. Place a pillow between your thighs or knees & squeeze it for 3 seconds by tightening your inner thigh muscles. Repeat this motion 12 times.  
  • Chair aerobics (marching): Sit in a chair with your back straight & arms at your side. March with alternating legs, bringing one up as high as possible before returning it (pump your arms similarly for more challenge). Repeat with the next leg & so on for 30 seconds or 20 marches. 
  • Dumbbell curls: Sitting or standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows to bring the weight to your shoulders while keeping the elbows tight by your body. Complete this 12 times, using a chair for balance if necessary. 
  • Chair squats: Sit in a chair with your back straight & arms at your side. Push through your heels & your feet into the ground and stand up with your chest straight. Lower into the chair, bending at your hips & pushing backward. Complete this motion 10 times. 
  • Chair-supported squats: Stand in front of a chair, holding it for support. Move down into a squat position, bending at your hips & pushing backward with your back straight. Go as low as you can before you stand up and repeat this motion 10 times. 

Mobility issues can make some standing or seated exercises difficult, but you can modify them to feel the benefits. If you have problems with your arms preventing you from doing a full dumbbell curl, go as far as you feel comfortable. You don’t need to injure yourself to complete an exercise.

A female senior in a blue jacket and a male senior in a light brown jacket are sitting beside each other on a bench while watching the lake.

Take your time, and complete any exercises to the best of your abilities. 

Creative Activities 

Art is a fulfilling hobby that stimulates creativity. There are many art-related activities, including coloring, painting, sculpting, and other types of arts and crafts. If you live in a senior living community, many host art events where you can enjoy different creative projects. 


Reading is a way to take a journey without having to leave your chair or bed. You can read physical books, a magazine, or read from an electronic device, whatever suits you best. Book clubs can get you reading and interacting with others if you’re seeking social connections.

Spending Time Outside

An easy-to-access activity is spending time outside. You can relax and enjoy the outdoors, sitting on a porch, walking through a garden, or resting on a bench and watching the day go by. Many senior living communities offer gardens and walking paths, allowing you to spend quality time outside with friends and family. 

Find Quality Ways to Spend Your Time

There’s always something to do, no matter your mobility level. You can try out these activities until you find something you love doing! Senior living offers many ways to spend your time, whether through events or other services, amenities, and experiences

Contact your local community if you’re interested in senior living. They can address any questions or concerns you may have about this lifestyle. 

Ryan Donahue

Written by Ryan Donahue, Regional Vice President

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